HBase application

The goal of this project is to implement a Java application that stores trending topics from Twitter into HBase and provides users with a set of queries for data analysis.

The trending topics to load in HBase are stored into text files with the same format used to store the results of the project 1 assignment. This format is: 1 file per language and each line of the file with the CSV format “timestamp_ms, lang, tophashtag1, frequencyhashtag1, tophashtag2, frequencyhashtag2, tophashtag3, frequencyhashtag3”.

The query set is composed by 3 queries:

1. Given a language (lang), do find the Top-N most used words for the given language in
a time interval defined with a start and end timestamp. Start and end timestamp are
in milliseconds.

2. Do find the list of Top-N most used words for each language in a time interval defined
with the provided start and end timestamp. Start and end timestamp are in

3. Do find the Top-N most used words and the frequency of each word regardless the
language in a time interval defined with the provided start and end timestamp. Start
and end timestamp are in milliseconds.



Script parameters:

Usage example:

* Load: ./hbaseApp.sh mode dataFolder
      Ex: $ ./hbaseApp.sh 4  /home/masteruser1/logs 
* Query1: ./hbaseApp.sh mode startTS endTS N language outputFolder
      Ex: $ ./hbaseApp.sh 1  1452880040000 1452880110000 9 es /home/masteruser1
* Query2: ./hbaseApp.sh mode startTS endTS N language outputFolder
      Ex: $ ./hbaseApp.sh 2  1452880040000 1452880110000 6 es,en,it /home/yolanda 
* Query3: ./hbaseApp.sh mode startTS endTS N outputFolder
      Ex: $./hbaseApp.sh 3  1452880040000 1452880110000 5 /home/yolanda


  1. Generate the files lang.out
  2. hbase-site.xml with the property hbase.zookeeper.quorum: it must point to ZK instance of the mini cluster assigned to your group
  3. Compile the project and generate hbaseApp.sh script: mvn clean compile package appassembler:assemble

Example of execution on a cluster

1) Connection to the cluster

ssh masteruser1@ -p 51002 --> storm H2
ssh masteruser1@ -p 51001 --> Hadoop and Hbase H1

2) Copy files

scp -P 51001 -r appassembler masteruser1@

3) Zookeeper on H2 must be up and running

./zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/zkServer.sh start
./zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/zkServer.sh stop

4) Run haddoop

Hadoop start/stop from H1: 
 Start:  ./hadoop-2.5.2/sbin/start-dfs.sh
 Stop:   ./hadoop-2.5.2/sbin/stop-dfs.sh

5) Run Hbase

start/stop from H1: 
Start:  ./hbase-
Stop:   ./hbase-

HBase UI

Start the shell: bin/hbase shell

6) If you have a zookeeper already running, it is required to stop it first.

sudo service zookeeper stop

Contact information

Yolanda de la Hoz Simón. yolanda93h@gmail.com